Thursday, November 14, 2013

Response to Olivia Loy's Post on WDRB

Recently, Olivia  wrote a post entitled, " Detail Makes the Story," about the lack of depth in WDRB's newscast. Olivia stated, "I think WDRB needs to have less stories and longer stories with more detail." I completely agree that WDRB has more stories then the other local news stations and that it could potentially be limiting the amount of information the viewer receives. While I agree with Olivia, I actually wish she had gone a bit more in depth with her post. I feel she could have made her point stronger with a quote from the example she made about when WDRB had failed to give adequate information regarding a story. I also would have enjoyed having a link to the story she was talking about so I could see if I felt the same way.I think some of Olivia's posts before now have been better that this one but that it's an alright post that could probably just use more details. She did have an overall good topic and a strong opinion. 

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