Thursday, November 14, 2013

A Response to Jamie D'Amato's Post on David Camm

Jamie wrote a post called,"News Source Review - Camm Trial Verdict". I thought it made a good point that I had also been thinking about. In her post she writes about how all of the local TV news stations, specifically WHAS, had spent to much time on David Camm in the evening news on October 24th.Of course that was the day Camm was given a not guilty verdict. Jamie notes that WHAS spent 9 minutes on the David Camm story when there was more relevant news. She states,"The Courier Journal's archive shows clearly that the two stories featured were not the only newsworthy of the day." Another thing she did was bring up the principles and yardsticks and tell how they were violated. I think Jamie wrote her post very well and brought up a valid point most hadn't thought to write about. If you haven't already read it I definitely suggest checking it out here.

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