Thursday, November 14, 2013

A Response to Will Lake's Post on WDRB

I genuinely enjoyed reading Will's post entitled,"WDRB - An example of decent local news".  It was written professionally and had well thought out opinions. I found it interesting that the only thing he used to determine it was the best station was it's amount of crime stories, or lack thereof. While I believe crime stories are one of the main things that go into making or breaking a local news source, I don't consider it to be the only thing. My main critic for WDRB would be that it has so many stories that it probably doesn't go as in depth as most of the other stations. I completely agree that WDRB is better than WLKY, the station I watched, I'm not for sure that it is the best. Regardless, Will's post was well done and I was happy to read an opinion opposing my own. 

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