Thursday, November 14, 2013

A Response to Jordan Gould's Post on Local TV News

Jordan posted a story called, "News Evaluation: By the Numbers" a couple days ago. This was one of the better posts I've read so far because it really breaks down TV news and gives his opinions about the best and worst news stations. It was really interesting to me that he considered WAVE to be the worst news station because most of what I've heard people saying is that WLKY is the worst. I suppose it's really a decision as to which is the worse of two evils. WAVE is "full of fluff and stuff," as Jordan says in his post, whereas WLKY has over half of their stories about irrelevant crime. Jordan also does a good job at putting facts an data into his writing. If you haven't already read his post I suggest checking it out here.

A Response to Jamie D'Amato's Post on David Camm

Jamie wrote a post called,"News Source Review - Camm Trial Verdict". I thought it made a good point that I had also been thinking about. In her post she writes about how all of the local TV news stations, specifically WHAS, had spent to much time on David Camm in the evening news on October 24th.Of course that was the day Camm was given a not guilty verdict. Jamie notes that WHAS spent 9 minutes on the David Camm story when there was more relevant news. She states,"The Courier Journal's archive shows clearly that the two stories featured were not the only newsworthy of the day." Another thing she did was bring up the principles and yardsticks and tell how they were violated. I think Jamie wrote her post very well and brought up a valid point most hadn't thought to write about. If you haven't already read it I definitely suggest checking it out here.

A Response to Will Lake's Post on WDRB

I genuinely enjoyed reading Will's post entitled,"WDRB - An example of decent local news".  It was written professionally and had well thought out opinions. I found it interesting that the only thing he used to determine it was the best station was it's amount of crime stories, or lack thereof. While I believe crime stories are one of the main things that go into making or breaking a local news source, I don't consider it to be the only thing. My main critic for WDRB would be that it has so many stories that it probably doesn't go as in depth as most of the other stations. I completely agree that WDRB is better than WLKY, the station I watched, I'm not for sure that it is the best. Regardless, Will's post was well done and I was happy to read an opinion opposing my own. 

Response to Olivia Loy's Post on WDRB

Recently, Olivia  wrote a post entitled, " Detail Makes the Story," about the lack of depth in WDRB's newscast. Olivia stated, "I think WDRB needs to have less stories and longer stories with more detail." I completely agree that WDRB has more stories then the other local news stations and that it could potentially be limiting the amount of information the viewer receives. While I agree with Olivia, I actually wish she had gone a bit more in depth with her post. I feel she could have made her point stronger with a quote from the example she made about when WDRB had failed to give adequate information regarding a story. I also would have enjoyed having a link to the story she was talking about so I could see if I felt the same way.I think some of Olivia's posts before now have been better that this one but that it's an alright post that could probably just use more details. She did have an overall good topic and a strong opinion. 

A Response to Desha Horton's Post on Jeopardy

I agree entirely with what Desha said about Jeopardy being an effective way of studying. I love how honest she was and she was right for the most part. Jeopardy is a competitive game that the classes seem to really enjoy. You're right in saying that most of what we go over is in the test. However I'm not sure if people really pay attention to that. The jeopardy game could be a great study guide but I don't see many people take notes about what's covered so I'm not sure how great of a study tool it is. I suppose it really is an opportunity where some people make the best of it and others do not. All the same it's lots of fun and gets everyone pumped for the upcoming test. If I had any critic for the post it would be that there were a few grammatical errors, specifically spelling errors and capitalization. To see Desha's post on Jeopardy, click here.

A Response to Sarah Schmidt's Post

Sarah recently posted an entry entitled "WHAS 11 Media Critique"
 about the lack of newsworthiness in WHAS's evening news. In it she talked about how much time was devoted the the news stories in comparison to the break, sports segment and weather segment. 

This particular post caught my eye because I recently posted an entry about the lack of newsworthiness in the crime stories WLKY covers. In Sarah's post she also talks about the amount of crime stories in WHAS's evening news and how that in particular isn't newsworthy. Sarah states, "Most of the stories WHAS covered was crime...there was 41 crime (stories)."

Another thing she did well was that she was very data oriented. Her facts were relevant and to the point. Sarah did a good job at having numbers to back up her opinions.

If I had one critic, it would be that there were some obvious grammar mistakes that need to be addressed. While her message was good and interesting, it was sometimes hard to figure out what she was trying to say due to some off the grammatical mistakes.

Overall, it was a post I enjoyed reading and I would definitely suggest checking out her blog at the link in the first paragraph.  


I found the lecture on radio to be very informative. I had little information about radio going into the lecture. All I had ever really known about radio was that it had a ton of station and got really fuzzy on car trips when we went through the mountains. My only complaint is that it was a shortened class that day and I wish we had had a bit more time to go over it.

The thing that seemed to be most important about radio was the fact that it was live. This really set the basis for television. The fact that it was live allowed for news to be delivered to the public in a more timely fashion. This intrigued me because before, most of my exposure to radio had been to bad music stations that were all prerecorded. I had never really thought of it as being live, but it was obviously different then.

The other thing that really struck me about radio was how big of a deal radio DJ's were. The fact that they were like celebrities was such an odd concept to me because the current DJ's are far from it. Radio DJ's had the ability to make of break people's music and have an immense influence over music and culture.

All in all, This was a good lecture that I feel could have been given a bit more time in class. I learned it had the first live news and  influential DJ's.

Response to Morgan Johnson's Blog Post

Morgan recently posted a critic of The Courier Journal's coverage of the government shutdown. The post was very well written and insightful. Her opinions were well thought out and thorough. The only problem I found was that she failed to cite her sources for the articles quoted from in her post. I would have enjoyed being able to read the same articles to see if I drew the same conclusions she did or if I saw something different. When I looked further I found that I couldn't find and sources on any of her blog posts. While I'm sure this is a requirement she wasn't aware of it's definitely something to improve upon for future reference. All in all, her post was well done and there was very little I could find to critic. I can't wait to see what she writes next.

WLKY- A Crime Disaster

After spending a month watching WLKY's evening news, I've gotten a good feel of what it's like. On any given night about half of the stories will be crime filled and those stories will take up more time than anything else. Surprisingly, the data my group collected found that the crime stories take nearly as long as the weather and sports combined! Not only are the crime stories getting more air time then necessary, but they are also lacking newsworthiness. 

One example of a crime story lacking newsworthiness was an article entitled, "Camm Evidence Shown to Media". In this article, the reporter had a field day over the latest details discovered in the David Camm trial. The problem regarding this story is that it isn't newsworthy.  This is because it doesn't effect the the general public. This one case that so many obsess over is only truly effecting David Camm, his family and friends, the family and friends of the deceased, and the people involved in the trial. For the story to be newsworthy it needs to effect a large amount of people for a time to come. 

While this is just one example of a horrendous crime story published by WLKY, there are many more, most just as bad as the one above. Because of the sheer quantity of crime stories WLKY publishes, I consider it to be among the worst local news stations in Louisville. 

WLKY has an entire section of their website devoted to David Camm that can be found here.